Thursday, June 2, 2016


Iqama Status or Nitaqat Category-In the event that your would like to check your iqama status (Iqama check Red, Yellow, Green, Platinum) your can use the below mentioned steps. If you would like to learn more in regards to what Niaqat is, what the categories mean, and the benefits or palatinates associated with Nitaqat, please read: Nitaqat Saudi Nationalization
If you like to check your iqama or muqeem expiry you can do so through: Check Iqama Expiry in 5 Simple Steps MOI
  1. Open the Ministry of Labor Website
  2. Enter your iqama / muqeem number in the second field, you should see " رقم الإقامة"
  3. Enter the Captha, you should see "رمز التحقق"
  4. Next Click the button on the right.                          

Once you click, you should see the following screen:

Should you be concerned with Iqama Status / Nitaqat?

So what do these categories mean. Understand that as a expatriate you should not concern yourself with the standing of the company unless your rights are not being fulfilled. This can be highly useful if you would like to take a transfer from you existing sponsor and the company is in RED category. Please note that if you check the status of your iqama, Nitaqat Category, and you find your sponsor in Red you can take a transfer without his consent. To know more regarding transfer of sponsorship, naqal kafala you can read: Transfer of Sponsorship. If you would like to learn more regarding Nitaqat, its categories and the corresponding services you can read more: Nitaqat Saudi Nationalization.
Recently, the government has hinted to a new an improved version on Nitaqat which will cover all the loop holes left by the current system. You can read more regarding this here: Balanced Nitaqat, Coming Soon to Saudi Arabia

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