Exercise to get pain relief and CTS:
People who are physically fit, including athletes, joggers, and swimmers, have a lower risk for cumulative trauma disorders. A regular exercise regimen using a combination of aerobic and resistance training techniques strengthens the muscles in the shoulders, arms, and back, helps reduce weight, and improves overall health and well-being.
Performing the simple exercises described below for 4 - 5 minutes every hour may be helpful.
Wrist Exercise:
Exercise- 1:
- Make a loose right fist, palm up, and use the left hand to press gently down against the clenched hand.
- Resist the force with the closed right hand for 5 seconds. Be sure to keep the wrist straight.
- Turn the right fist palm down, and press the knuckles against the left open palm for 5 seconds.
- Finally, turn the right palm so the thumb-side of the fist is up, and press down again for 5 seconds.
- Repeat with the left hand
Exercise 2.
- Hold one hand straight up shoulder-high with fingers together and palm facing outward. (The position looks like a shoulder-high salute.)
- With the other hand, bend the hand being exercised backward with the fingers still held together and hold for 5 seconds.
- Spread the fingers and thumb open while the hand is still bent back and hold for 5 seconds.
- Hold the second and third fingers up, and close the others.
- Draw five clockwise circles in the air with the two finger tips.
- Draw five more counterclockwise circles.
For Fingers and Hand:
- Clench the fingers of one hand into a fist tightly.
- Release, fanning out the fingers.
- To exercise the thumb, bend it against the palm beneath the little finger, and hold for 5 seconds.
- Spread the fingers apart, palm up, and hold for 5 seconds.
- Gently pull the thumb out and back and hold for 5 seconds.
Forearms (stretching these muscles will reduce tension in the wrist):
- Place the hands together in front of the chest, fingers pointed upward in a prayer-like position.
- Keeping the palms flat together, raise the elbows to stretch the forearm muscles.
- Stretch for 10 seconds.
- Gently shake the hands limp for a few seconds to loosen them.
For Neck and Shoulders:
- Sit upright and place the right hand on top of the left shoulder.
- Hold that shoulder down, and slowly tip the head down toward the right.
- Keep the face pointed forward, or even turned slightly toward the right.
- Hold this stretch gently for 5 seconds.
- Stand in a relaxed position with the arms at the side.
- Shrug the shoulders up, then squeeze the shoulders back, then stretch the shoulders down, and then press them forward.
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