Monday, May 30, 2016

How to Get your Degree Attested

To change your Profession in your Saudi Work Permit or Iqama, you must have a valid University degree or a 3 years technical diploma which is attested by Saudi Consulate in your home country and Ministry of Foreign Affairs in your home country. To attest your degree you must have gone through the following process. This is a Prerequisite to Changing Profession in Saudi Arabia.

1. Request a Letter from your Company; to Saudi Consulate for Attesting your Degree / Diploma.

f you are already present in Saudi Arabia, You need a letter from your Company/Sponsor to Saudi Consulate in your home country. The Letter should state that you are having an Iqama and working in Saudi Arabia and company has no objection if Saudi Embassy will attest your degree, then attest this letter from chamber of commerce in Saudi Arabia. Soon I will post a snapshot of this letter.
However if you are not present in Saudi Arabia or you didn’t reach Saudi Arabia yet, request such a letter from your employer via email or telephone and ask them to send original copy of the letter via Postal Service.

2. What else is required to Get your Degree / Diploma Attested

Once you received such a letter, gather below documents in one file.
  1. Letter from your Employer to Saudi Consulate (Explained Above)
  2. Copy of your Iqama
  3. Copy of your passport.
  4. Original Degree or Diploma
Now move to step 3. The next steps should be done in your home country.

3. Prerequisites of Getting your Degree / Diploma Attested from Saudi Consulate in your Home Country

Before submitting it for attestation from Saudi Embassy / Consulate get your degree attested by yourself from following offices.
  • Higher Education Commission of your home country
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs in your home country
Once degree/diploma is get attested from above, Move to step 4

4. Finally Submit to Saudi Consulate for Attestation

Contact any recruiting agency, travel agency or agent who is specialized for dealing with Consulate of Saudi Arabia in your home country. Almost all the agents who arrange Umrah Visas can help you in attesting your documents. Make sure to attest degree from following.
  • Saudi Culture Center in home country
  • Saudi Consulate in home country


To do this you must activate online services for yourself by visiting Jawazat office (single time) or any other location where this machine is provided by Jawazat. It is provided at the airport and various shopping centers as well.

1. Services Activation (Online Services / Electronic Services)

This activation machine has a very easy to understand interface and step by step system and it is available in various languages so that expatriate can easily work with it. So you must visit nearest activation center

2. Deposit Government Fee for Exit Re-Entry Visa

In your second step you should submit Government fee for Exit-Re-entry visa which ic currently 200 SR. You can submit it from your own account or account of your friend / colleague. You will be asked for Iqama number, please make sure you are entering Iqama number of your family member (wife, son, daughter)

3. Final Step: Issue Visa at MOI website

Login to MOI website using your Iqama number and Password. Click passport section -> Dependent Services
You will find your family members listed in this page. click on More details link under family member’s listing. You will find 2 buttons, Issue Visa & Issue Final Visa, both are obvious from their names. Make sure not to click Issue Final Visa, because it is for final exit)
Once you have clicked Issue Visa button you will find another pop up window which will show full details of this step, name, iqama number and passport number of the dependent and further instructions. Click OK button to complete the process. In next window you will be asked for Duration in number of days. Enter number of days here but not more than 365 days (that is maximum). Now click Issue button again and you are done.
At next pop up window you can print Exit Re-entry visa
In below images you can see the whole process in step by step. Thank you toQSaudi Blog for providing images.

Sample Letter to Saudi Embassy for Degree Attestation

If you require Degree attestation in your home country by Saudi Embassy / Consulate, you will be asked for a Letter from your Sponsor – Employer in Saudi Arabia To Saudi Embassy – Consulate in your home country. Normally the contents of this letter are… You are an employee working with the employer and employer has no objection if Saudi Consulate attest your documents. However the letter is written in Arabic language as the official language for communication with Saudi Embassy is Arabic. Also the letter must be attested by Chamber of Commerce in Saudi Arabia to make sure the official signature and stamp is real and not fake.
Mostly expat employee don’t know how to explain their sponsor to issue such a letter for Saudi Embassy and when they request such a letter, even employers don’t have any idea, what the employee is actually looking for.
Upon so many requests, I am presenting a sample letter that an employee can copy and ask his / her sponsor to issue him such a letter. Please note that it is a sample letter and you need to change its contents to match the original content as per your bio-data. For instance the following details.
  • Line 1: Issue No / Serial No (This would be an auto-generated number that a a company keeps for its records, this is not mandatory).
  • Line 2 and 3: Issue Date in Gregorian and Hijri Calendar.
  • Line 5: Location of Embassy – Consulate (City + Country).
  • Line 8: Name of Employee as written on Iqama + Nationality of employee.
  • Line 16: Name of your sponsor / employer + his signature.
  • Ending: Employer / Sponsor’s official stamp (Must be attested by Chamber of Commerce).
    Once you get this letter from your sponsor & get it attested as well, additional requirements are copy of your iqama + copy of your passport


Obtaining a Driving License in KSA (Jeddah)

After long run Alhamdulillah I passed the exam of driving license on (16-02-2010). I struggled to pass it.  I don’t want anyone to struggle like me.  If you are planning to get a driving license in Jeddah then this is the post for you. I will try to write the procedure you should follow for applying and obtaining a driving license.
Applying Procedure
1. You need 1 set of photocopy of your passport.
2. You need 1 photocopy of your IQAMA (ID card).
3. You need 6 passport size pictures.
4. You need to make a file with all this document and fill the application
form. You need 400 SR for the license which you have to pay in Bank or you pay to dalal 50 SR they will do the payment for you.
Best way to do this you should give 10 SR to a dalal there they
will fill the form for you and make the file ready.
5. Those guys will tell where should you go. After that each counter of the dallah will give you all the direction of which counter you go.
6. After that they will take a small test of reverse parking. Note: Remember to put seat belt and check the mirrors. Those car is new Camry Car. So careful about the accelerator. It’s so soft.  Most of the people mistakes car starts goes off. This is really bad luck.
7. After the test they will give you a mark from four (أ,ب,ض,ج).
أ =  1 day class
ب = 5 days class
ض = 15 days class
30 days = ج 1 month class
8. After that you have to pay for the class which is 435 SR.
9. Then they will give you the class and all the instructions you need.
Passing Tips
1. Don’t be afraid in front of police. Most of the people they afraid and there leg shakes. And then they failed.
2. For signal test in the class they will tell you the same questions which
will appear in the exam. They will tell you the first 10 questions which
will appear in the exam. So try to note those questions and buy a signal paper.
You cant do a mistake in first 10 questions. You have choice of 5 mistakes after
The 10 question but not the first 10 questions. So don’t do any mistake that time.
Best of luck for your exam. If you need any information just post a comment.

 would like to give you the update information to facilitate you for any innconveniance/bother. All above information is very unique what my brothers noted in this blog but now a days some of them have changed.
when intend to take admission for license you should take Passport, Iqama Photo copy and six pictures. as you reached to Dallah there are many dalal will follow you but I inform the educated people who can fill their forms by self that don’t go with them enter directly to Office by yourself and also help other if they meet you there.
you take forms from the information counter (the 1st one) and fill it by yourself there is notthing difficult if not possible then then check a arabic person sit in the waiting chairs and request him to fill your forms. then they give you another form and send you for medical room but it will be good if you know your Blood Group you only tell him you blood group and then you will be check by eye doctors then go back to this information counter and then enter to initial Driving test ground they will check you driving that how many days will be fit for you (in this case you should be careful when you get down to car fasten your belt and arrange side and midle miror) when they write training days on your form.
Then you will be refer to driving fee counter, you submit only your school fees by your self not by dalal bcz they charge extra 50 riyal and not submit the license fee bcz the dalal charge 50 riyal more for the license. when you submitt your school fee then go to Al Raji bank or Al Riyadh bank but 1st check your friends who have ATM Card of the mentioned bank and submitt your fees direct (80 Riyal for 2 years, 200 Riyal for 5 years and 400 Riyal for 10 year license).
This is very easy to pass driving test but it depend on your confidence. you must keep your confidence up. after finishing driving school you will be advised to come this date.
you should reach at 7 O’clock bcz after 7 they close the gate and start some dua if you remember and pray to Allah to pass you easily and bring this exam easy for you. when you sit with police for try, recite 4 last sura and blow it to police and gurented say that you will be sucess but with this you should follow the below points:
1. Fasten your belt
2. arrange all miror according your choice
3. Your set adjustment.
4. check hand break.
5. give small accelator to conform that car is switch on or not.
6. be careful when you pass the signs. you should stop if necessary when you see signs.
After pass the drivinig test you will be inform to go Room No.8 this the computer signals room. when you stand in frot of computer you must recite some quran verses or surat or dua and start with name of Allah. I assure you that you will must pass when you start with name of Allah and dua. now a days they changed the computer procedures. you have to allowed 5 mistak and you can do mistake any where i.e in 1st step or after 10 now no problem. but you will have only 30 minutes and you should salove 15 question in this time. therefore when you sure on your answer click the right answer bcz you have alot of time. I finish my computer with in 8 minutes. don’t be affraid.
I wish you best of luck with acquring your driving license.

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How to Pay online Fee for Extention or Renewal of Family viisit visa in ...

How to Extend or Renew Family Visit Visa Online in Saudi Arabia

Complete Guide to Apply Family Visit Visa in Saudi Arabia For Free



Complete Guide to Apply Family Visit Visa in Saudi Arabia For Free

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Moh license

Now you can submitt copy of the result sheet from the prometric center to your CME office or SCHS branch with all the copies of your certificates & the form filled completely to proceed with your licence.
You wil get your lince certificate & card which is handy within 1-2 months.
 Now you are a licenced practitioner in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia..! Congratualtions..!!
All the best for your future.!
If you have any quiries you can us whenever & wherever you are..!
We are glad to help you as much as we can..!


Second step..
if you have taken prometric exam in your country & passed the saudi licencing exam:
 Meet your Contuing medical/ Nursing Education (CME/CNE) co-ordinator to get the application form for applying for Saudi commission Licence. fill ur form & take a draft from the bank in the name of saudi commission for health specialties according to your proffession in any branch of NCB(natinal commertial bank). attach all copies (front & back) of ur certificates/credentials which is attested from your country. & submitt to the CNE office or to the SCHS Branch in your region.
wait for the response from SCHS for further process.. which wil take 1-2months.

if you have not taken prometric exam in your country:
you have to do the same as before but need to wait for the responce from the SCHS to give you eligibility number to write the prometric exam.which wil take about 1 month.
once you get the eligibility no.

  • visit & select Saudi commission for health specialities in the first navigation bar on the leftside of the portal.
  • you will be navigated into information page click on start button there. then select saudi commission for health specialities- KSA. Contry-SAudi arabia & click submit. 
  • you will get into a page where you schedule an appointment. click on schedule an appointment there you wil get information review page.. 
  • click on NEXT. then click on I agree button & click NEXT. 
  • there you need to fill your eligibility no & first 4 letters of last name. but don't worry if your 4letters of last name is not correct.. because sometimes they don't put all 4 letters.. they would have put only a dot(.) or just the initial letter or two. so don't get dissoppointed if u r not navigated to next page in the first attempt. try somethings like only a dot or one or two letter of your last name etc. 
  • once you get navigated to next page u have some of your details already filled like name date of birth etc. & need to fill some details like address, iquama no. & e-mail address. & submit.
  •  then it will ask you select the center for exam. (you can select which is near to you or you can ask your seniors or CME coordinator for the exam center name.) 
  • once you select the exam centre it wil show you the callender to select date in 3 months( try to select within a month because if u fail for the first time u'l have one more chance to write within 3 months from the day you got your eligibility no. & you will get time to prepare youself for next attempt)
  •  once you select the date, you need to select time in the right side confirm your date & time you will be asked for payment details. 
  • To do payment you need credit card. once you complete payment details you 'l get confirmed date & time of your exam & can mail that page to your email or take a printout.Because you need to show your appointment paper in exam center. & dont forget to take your iquama or passport with you to proove your identity on the day of Exam. Take some money too, Because you need to pay some amount (50Sr in KSA) in the exam center.

your picture will be taken before you enter the examination room.exam will be for 2 hours. & if you finish within that time you cal your exam center cordinator & ask to finish or you can do it yourself if u r confident. & you will get result on the screen!! hurrey..! you are pass!! you will get your result
sheet in 5 minutes..!



The Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCHS) is a scientific body with headquarters located in Riyadh. The SCHS has helped to establish modern, state-of-the-art healthcare institutions and has succeeded in attracting a well-qualified, diversified spectrum of  personnel. With these recognized and accredited facilities, the Saudi physician can pursue training in all different medical specialties. Cognizant of the importance of an independent Saudi body that can prepare and supervise training programs and assesses trainees, the SCHS is tasked with formulating proper standards and criteria for practicing and developing the health professions.

     The commission aims at upgrading professional performance, developing skills that enrich scientific literature, and properly apply knowledge in the various fields of health specialties. Some functions include approving and supervising profession health specialist programs; accrediting health institutions that provide training; supervising specialty exams and validating their results; certifying qualified professionals; encouraging health research and publication; holding  conferences and symposia for the region's health community; and setting criteria for practicing health professionals.

    Thus SCHS conducts exam for professionals who wish to practice in the kingdom.Needless to say its mandatory again. Nature & content of examination will be our next post. Bye for now.

TIP: Dont be apprehensive the exams will be held in standard format.  

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Once you bring your family in visit visa, Now you have the only tension of extending visit visa of your family. Here you have two situations, For how many days your visit visa is issued. Now expatriates can extend visit visa online throughout year, even on public holidays.

If your visit visa is issued for 30 days, You can extend it for 5 times ie,. Every 30 days you should extend it, By this you can let your family stay with you for 180 days only. 

- If your family visit visa is stamped for 90 days, You can extend it for 90 days more. ie,. Just one week before of your visa expiry date, you can request to extend it, By this you can let your family to stay with you for 180 days only.

Extending Family Visit Visa in Saudi Arabia :

For extending family visit visa in Saudi Arabia, You should apply before one week of your visit visa expiry date. Expatriates have two options here first one is Manually and the other one is Online. This article will describe both of these ways.


Original and Copy of Passport (Including visa page), Original and Copy of Iqama (Visit visa Sponsor ), Passport size white Background Photo, Filled Passport Form, 100SR Fee (Pay Online through your bank account), Online Token(For Dammam & Khobar residents).
Visit Jawazat office, You can take help in paying fee online and filling Passport form from the people who sitting there on a charge of 20SR. Submit all documents at the counter and get your family visit visa extension, Check whether it is final extension or not.

Online Token For Dammam and Khobar residents:
Get your online token from


- For extending visit visa online you should have MOI Abshir account, if you dont have creat one (MOI Registration). 

- Pay 100SR fee online through your bank account,for the extension of family visit visa.

- Login to your MOI Abshir account, Goto "E-Services" section, Click on "Passports"

Select "Extend Visit Visa" from dropdown list and Click on "proceed" button.

- Click on "Confirm to Extend Visit Visa", Now you can see a message of "successfully extended visit visa".


If your family overstay even a single day a fine of 25000SR will be charged on the iqama holder of visit visa. So it is better to departure them before 4 or 5 days of expiry date.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Visit visa process for KSA

Documents required in applying Family Visit Visa Saudi Arabia :
Only benefited professions are applicable for applying family visa. If your iqama or muqeem profession is not benefited one, request your sponsor to change your profession to benefited one.
1. Original valid Iqama/Muqeem of Saudi Arabia
2. Passport Copy
3. Passport copies of family members to whom you are inviting.

Fill Online application for family visit visa :


You are the kafeel of the family members you are inviting on family visa, So put your name in place of kafeel while filling the online form.
1. Visit Ministry Of Foreign Affairs, Choose English as language at top right.
2. Click on Individuals, Choose Resident.
3. Select the one you are looking for, Choose 90 days for visit visa.
4. Fill the form and submit.
5. Take a print out of it .

Submit your application to Chamber of commerce :
1. Sign and put the date on the printed application.
2. Take sign and stamp of your sponsor on the printed application.
3. Visit to chamber of commerce of your city where your employer is registered.
4. Pay fee of visa application approximately 30 SR to chamber of commerce.
5. After submitting, You will receive a print out from chamber of commerce.

Check your application status online :
It may take a week or more to process your applied family visa. Keep patience and check your status everyday.
1. Go to MOFA website
2. Choose Application Submitted to mofa
3. Enter your application number, Iqama number and image code.
4. Click Inquire.

Submit your Approved application to Saudi Embassy :

Once your family visa got approval, Send copy of your application or the number of your application to your family member and let them contact nearest agent (will charge) for further process in Saudi embassy of your home country. 

Documents required for this process are Original passport of visa applicant, Your Iqama copy, Your Passport copy, 4 passport size photographs.
For married sister : 
Authorization letter from husband.
For Mother in Law or Father in Law :
Marriage certificate and copy of the passport and iqama of your wife.

If your Application Rejected :
It is common sometimes your visa application may reject, Do not bother, Apply again and again till you succeed. Sometimes it may accept 4th time, sometimes it may accept first time only. So do not loose hope.

Once visa is approved Saudi embassy have 3 months of time for stamping, Once visa is stamped, Applicant should travel within 3 months else your visa will expire.

1. If your visa is issued for 90 days you can extend it for 1 more time.
2. If your visa is issued for 30 days you can extend it for 5 more times. For detailed process of renewal follow this article "Family Visit Visa Extension".

Do not think of overstay, It is illegal, As you are the sponsor of your family you only responsible for it. A fine of SR 25,000/- is imposed on iqama even you stay for single extra day.

How to Get Family Visa For Saudi Arabia


How to apply visa for new born baby to saudiarabia

Procedure to Apply for Visa of Newly Born Baby to Saudi Arabia
  1. Baby must be less than one year old at the time of travelling.
  2. Getting passport for baby is the first and most important step to bring your newly born baby to Saudi Arabia. You should apply for the passport as soon as possible.
  3. Saudi Embassy or Consulate gives visa for new born baby without visa slip (Yellow Slip), on the basis of mother’s Exit Re-Entry visa. You will have to submit following documents to get this visa.
    • Mother's original passport, with original valid Exit Re-Entry visa of KSA
    • Baby's original passport
    • Official birth certificate issued by the Government of the country should be attested and stamped by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs..
    • Polio Certificate can be obtained by any doctor, family physician, typed on his letter head (Hand written not accepted), stating that the vaccination has been given as per age schedule. Please note that Polio Card or long file containing several pages is not acceptable.
  4. Baby's photo: 04 No. (Passport size, Color Photo, but white background)
  5. Father’s Iqama (Residence Permit) copy
  6. Mother’s Iqama (Residence Permit) copy
  7. Father’s Passport copy (only 1st & last page)\
  8. Father’s complete Saudi Company Address with Ph/ Mob No.
  1. You can also get on-arrival visa. One of our readers have shared his experience in detail to bring his new born baby on on-arrival visa to Saudi Arabia. This experience is shared in this link. "Bringing Newly Born Baby to Saudi Arabia on On-Arrival Visa"
  2. If you apply through Saudi Embassy or on-arrival visa, in both cases they will write border entry number at the passport of newly born baby. Make sure that they write this number otherwise you will have to come back to the immigration officers later on.
  3. Last but not the least, don’t forget to bring polio immunization certificate from your country for the child. Otherwise, your application to register the baby under your Iqama will not be processed. Now, next step is to apply for the Iqama of newly born baby. You will have to follow this procedure to apply for the iqama.

How to get permanent family visa for saudi Arabia

Required Documents for Saudi Permanent Famil Visa :

1. Suitable Iqama Profession (Family visa professions)
2. Attested Degree Certificates (Certificates Attestation)
2. Marriage Certificate attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Saudi Culture Office and Saudi Embassy in your home country.
3.Birth Certificate (For Children), attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Saudi Culture Office and Saudi Embassy in your home country.

4. Above documents translated in Arabic.
Saudi Permanent Family Visa Processing :
1. After getting these all documents, Get stamped on it from Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Saudi Arabia.
2. Request a letter from your sponsor to Jawazat to process your family visa, Attest it from Chamber of commerce of your employers city.

3. Take permanent family visa form from your company and fill it in Arabic, Attest it from your company and chamber of commerce of your employers city. (If you do not find this form, collect it from Isteqdam office).

4. Book an online appointment in Istiqdamfrom MOI, Submit a visa fee of 2000 SR through SADAD per family. Its good if you pay it online from your personal banking.

5. Visit Jawazat Office, Ask your company which Jawazat office you should go. Submit all required documents(mentioned above) including passport copies of all family people, Iqama copy and a letter from your employer attested by chamber of commerce. Collect a yellow slip (Visa) from there.

Once you got Visa (Yellow slip) you can send it to your home. Hire a specialized agent in your country for further process. You have one year (Hijri Year) time for stamping your visa, Once stamped, Should travel in 3 months.

Process after Arriving of your family in Saudi Arabia :

Take medical test of your family members, Submit the report to your HR department to apply for iqama to your family people. Now its done.

How to add your account to adsense

To give access to your account:
  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. Click the gear icon  and select Settings.
  3. In the sidebar, click Access and authorizationand select User management.
  4. In the field provided, enter the email address of the user you want to share your account with, then click Invite.
  5. The user is added to the “Users with sign-in access” table with the status “pending.”
  6. Once the user has accepted your email invitation by clicking the link in the email and associating their Google Account with the AdSense account listed in the invitation, their “pending” status will disappear from the “Users with sign-in access” table.

  1. Whilst you can’t assign an access level to a user in the email, you can change a user’s access levelat any time.

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